Who are we?

Word from the founder

The CSPE began with a dream of helping children in a context that allows us to put the child's needs at the center of our concerns while mobilizing the significant players in the child's life. Now a mother of 2 wonderful children, Jeremy and Kayla-Rose, I understand even more the importance of having access to services, tools, advice and support when we need it!

I began psychoeducation services, in private practice, following my internships in child psychiatry at Sainte-Justine hospital in Montreal. A first follow-up then led to a second and then, through word of mouth, everything evolved in such a way that when I left university, it was obvious to me that I wanted to continue in this direction.

I am a passionate, ambitious, gentle and empathetic person. My desire is to be able, with my wonderful team, to help as many families as possible. We work in close collaboration with parents, educators, teachers, caregivers and any other person who has the well-being of children at heart. We all work towards a common goal, which is to help each child’s potential flourish!

​Looking forward to meeting you!

Thank you for your trust!

Kimberly Furtado

Psychoeducator, M.Sc.

Founder of the CSPE

  • Trust

    A bond of trust allowing us to build an honest and authentic relationship making progress, learning and success possible.

  • Support

    Offer support that takes into account the uniqueness of each person in order to highlight the strengths of each individual and accompany them towards even greater fulfillment!

  • Collaboration

    Work collaboratively to maximize everyone's strengths and thus promote optimal development and fulfillment!

Our magnificent team

Psychoeducator, M.Sc. and Founder of the CSPE

Kimberly Furtado

My desire to help others has always held a significant place in my life. In my opinion, every individual has incredible potential that is important to believe in!

My perfectionist side leads me to always want to surpass myself. My gentleness, my empathy and my listening skills allow me to create meaningful bonds of trust with children as well as the significant people in their lives!

At CSPE, we believe that a collaborative and caring approach greatly promotes the development of children.

Psychoeducator, M.Sc.

Florence Coupal

I am a person who is sensitive to others and listens to others. It is important for me to offer support and tools to everyone to allow them to develop their full potential and be in harmony with their environment.

What fuels my pleasure in working with children and their parents is seeing the progress that each person can make despite the challenges and obstacles encountered!

Master's intern in psychoeducation

Lauréanne Paquin

As a master's intern in psychoeducation, I am a person who demonstrates compassion and kindness. I have always loved working with children since I truly believe that we learn as much as we can give them. Thanks to my work experiences, I have an ease in communicating and creating a bond of trust with them.

My mission is to adapt my interventions to meet the specific needs and interests of each person. I want to create a relationship of trust with parents based on communication and collaboration in order to combine our strengths to allow the child to fully flourish.

Intervenante psychosociale et finissante à la maîtrise en psychoéducation

Audrey Leith

Diplômée en intervention psychosociale par la nature et l’aventure, puis en zoothérapie, je suis actuellement finissante à la maîtrise en psychoéducation.

Ma polyvalence et ma capacité d’adaptation me permettent à ce jour d’œuvrer en tant que responsable d’une ressource de type familial et chargée de cours au cégep.

Lors d’un accompagnement vers un retour à l’équilibre, je vois l’importance de considérer la liberté de choix, les forces et les intérêts d’une personne, afin de favoriser le développement de son potentiel.

En me joignant au CSPE, j’ai la conviction que les moments privilégiés que je partagerai auprès de l’enfant, sa famille et sa communauté seront empreints de douceur, ainsi que d’empathie.

Intervenante psychosociale et Finissante à la maîtrise en psychoéducation

Jessica Pécaut

Passionnée de l'intervention auprès des enfants, il m'est important d'utiliser mes connaissances, mon côté artistique et mon écoute afin de soutenir les parents et l'environnement de l'enfant, tout en aidant celui-ci à retrouver un équilibre sécurisant.

En passant par la création d'un lien de confiance, nous pouvons ensemble favoriser le bien-être de l'enfant, mais aussi venir augmenter le sentiment de compétence de l'adulte significatif.

Adaptation, compréhension, besoins et apaisement, des concepts sur lesquels je me base quotidiennement. 

Master's intern in psychoeducation

Brianna Patrizia Del Corpo

As a master's intern in psychoeducation, I am passionate about supporting children in their development, particularly with regard to their emotional regulation and their ability to overcome everyday challenges. With several enriching experiences with children in various contexts, I was able to refine my ability to adapt to their specific needs and promote their development.

My goal is to offer interventions that respect the pace and interests of each child while working closely with parents. Together, we can offer the child the support needed to encourage their well-being and help them grow in confidence, while having fun!

Administrative assistant and special education technician

Fanny Marcotte

Being a specialized educator by training, I am also passionate about the field of administration. My empathy and professionalism will ensure impeccable and human customer service.

I am also meticulous and organized. I like to be useful and contribute both directly and indirectly to the well-being of children, their parents and those around them.

Being part of a collaborative and competent team whose mission is to promote the development of children is something that is close to my heart… and I make it a priority!

Accountant, CPA

Amy Santos

Accountant, CPA

I have always enjoyed working with numbers and consider myself to have a good analytical mind. I am also a very empathetic person who cares deeply about the happiness of others.

I am happy to be part of a very great team and to be able to contribute, in my own way, to the well-being of children and their families.

Proofreader of psychoeducational resources

Sylvie Hubert

Our children are our wealth, our pride. They are also hope, a future to build. As a proofreader of psychoeducational resources, I am happy to be part of the CSPE team to help children and their families as well as the organization's professionals.

As the saying goes, “it takes a village to raise a child”; so together, let’s team up to make a difference!

Human resources consultant

Sabrina Furtado

Member of the Order of Certified Human Resources Advisors, I completed my bachelor's degree in Human Resources Management at the School of Management Sciences (ESG UQAM) as well as a certificate in Human Relations at Concordia University .

Passionate about human resources, my role is to advise and support companies in their human resources management practices.